Monday, June 24, 2013

Fixing Nitrogen

Peas work together with the rhyzobium in the inoculant (which is applied to the seed at planting) to fix their own nitrogen.  All legumes are capable of this sybiotic relationship if the correct organisms are present.  On our field tours, we found most of the plants we analyzed had adequate nodulation from the inoculant.  A nodule will be pink in color if it is functioning properly.  There were fields with fewer nodules, and it seemed that they were ones where more nitrogen was available without the peas having to work for it.  For instance: last year's dry-land corn fields with crop failures...

To check your field for nodulation, dig up a plant and submerse the roots in a bucket of water.  Gently rub off the soil and you should be able to see the inoculant at work!

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Panhandle No-Till Partnership Field Days

Our field tours went very well the last two days.  Thank you to everyone who attended or allowed us to tour their fields.  We saw a lot of pea fields and hopefully most of them got a drink sometime in the last two nights because the soil moisture was getting fairly low.  Let's hope we continue to have moderately warm temperatures during the flowering and pod setting phase.

The Panhandle No till Partnership field days are scheduled for these dates and locations, and times. Meals will be provided following each field day.

Clinton, Nebraska-June 24, 2013, 9:00 a.m.
Curt Roth’s farm will host this field day. Curt’s farm is located at 6072 270th Lane, Gordon, NE. Directions to the farm are to travel from the east side of Clinton, Ne. south on 270th Lane for 1.5 miles. Curt’s farm is on the east side of the road.

Alliance, Nebraska-June 25, 2013, 9:00 a.m.
Watson Brothers farm- 1561 CR 61, Alliance.
Directions-Watson Brothers farm is located approximately 10 miles north of Alliance. From highway 385 turn east on Jefferson Road and travel 4 miles east to County Road 61, turn north on 61 and go one half mile north. From Highway 87 turn west on Jefferson Road and travel west 2 miles to County Road 61, then one half mile north.

Harrisburg, Nebraska- June 26, 2013, 9:00 a.m.
Art Olsen farm-2322 Road 14, Harrisburg.
Art’s farm is located 25 miles south of Gering on Highway 71, then turn west on county road 14 and drive 10 miles to the west.

Dalton, Nebraska- June 26, 2013, 2:30 p.m.
Mark and Pat Ernest farm- 5485 Road 125, Dalton.
The Ernest farm is located 1 mile south of Dalton on Highway 385, turn east on County Road 56 and drive east 5.5 miles to County Road 125. From County Road 125 turn south and travel south one quarter of a mile, then turn east down the driveway to Mark Ernest’s farm yard.

Big Springs, Nebraska- June 27, 2013, 9:00 a.m.
Stetson Shreve’s farm is located north of Big Springs one mile to the Highway 30 junction. Turn east on Highway 30 and travel one mile, turn north and travel one mile, then ¼ mile east to the farm.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Progress in Bridgeport

The construction in Bridgeport is moving forward...  Concrete work is being done on bin #3 and their is a continuous dust cloud from concrete trucks coming and going.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Pea Field Photos

Below are some photos taken by Dave Dietrich the past few days while visiting some of our member's pea fields...

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Field Pea Tours

              Stateline Producers Cooperative Presents…
Yellow Pea Field Tours 
Please feel free to invite anyone you feel would be interested!
Monday, June 17th - 8:00 am - Scotts Bluff County
Start at Carl Thomas Field - On the East side of Morrill, turn North on Liberty Oil Road, in 1.5 miles turn East on CR B, in 1 mile turn North on CR 10, field is in 1/2 mile on the West side of the road. Other Stops on this Tour - J. Jenkins Farms, Kister Farms
Monday, June 17th - 1:00 pm - Alliance, NE
Start at Watson Brothers Farm - 1561 CR 61 Alliance - North of Alliance 10 miles on 385, East on Jefferson Road 4 miles to CR 61, North 1/2 mile. Other stops on this tour - Marvin Ackerman, Green Acres, Steve & Trent Benzel, Diamond Hill Farms
Tuesday, June 18th - 8:00 am - Banner County
Start at Gifford Circle Diamond Ranch Field - South of Gering on Highway 71 to mile marker 43 on West side of road (2 miles south of 88 West). Other Stops on this Tour - Jim Stauffer, John Jones, Four Lazy H, Larry Pahl, Olson Ranches, others as time allows
Tuesday, June 18th - 1:00 pm - Sidney, NE
  Start at High Plains Ag Lab - 385 to the Huntsman Elevator (6 miles north of Sidney or 7 miles south of Gurley), then drive about 2 miles west, then 1/2 mile north. Other Stops on this tour - Roland Rushman, Pat & Mark Ernest

Below is an update on my peas growing in an old chicken feeder outside the Gering office.  It has been quite the topic of conversation as we have gone through bean seed season with farmers going in and out all day.  

May 2nd

May 25th


Friday, June 7, 2013

Growing Degree Days Map

This is a national growing degree days map found online at:
If you visit the website, the map is interactive...