Monday, February 25, 2013

On the Road Again...

I'm really not sure where February went...  Last Friday marked my 3rd anniversary of working at Stateline and it's a little hard to believe all of the things that we have accomplished in such a short time.
It seems to be the time of the year for MEETINGS - Below is a photo of our booth at the Panhandle No-Till Partnership's Winter Conference last week.  I greatly enjoyed their fantastic line-up of speakers from different parts of the country who discussed all aspects of no-till, soil health, crop/forage rotations, etc...
The Dry Bean Direct Harvest meeting in Alliance on February 15th featured a great program as well.  John Thomas had a full house and the insight from the Grower Panel was particularly helpful to those thinking about taking the plunge from conventional to direct harvest.
Pea memberships are flying off of the shelves ;)
Dave & I will be in Martin, South Dakota tomorrow & Sterling, Colorado on Thursday.  If you haven't sent in your membership paperwork and are planning on joining, please let me know ASAP so I can count you on our list of commitments.
Bean Seed is still available - 4% prepay discount is available until March 31st.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

SD & CO Pea Grower Meetings

Stateline has put together two more grower meetings for getting the word out about our new expansion into the receiving, processing, & marketing of yellow spring field peas.  Since we are licensed for membership in NE, WY, CO, KS, & SD, we are starting with these two out-of-state meetings.

 February 26, 2013 – Martin American Legion in Martin, SD at 10am

February 28, 2013 – Ramada Inn Meeting Room in Sterling, CO at 10am

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day

Our office smelled pretty fantastic today - Sharon & I received beautiful flowers from our significant others...  Thank you Tony & Mick :)

Friday, February 8, 2013

Dry Bean Direct Harvest Mtg. 2/15/13

On February 15, 2013, John Thomas, the Extension Educator for Box Butte County, will be hosting a Dry Bean Direct Harvest Meeting at the Knight Museum & Sandhills Center at 908 Yellowstone in Alliance.  He has an excellent schedule put together beginning at 9:30am which includes discussion on Preparation for Harvest, Weed Control as it relates to Direct Harvest, Desiccants, Estimating Harvest Loss, and a Panel of Growers currently direct harvesting for answering growers questions.  Speakers include John Smith, Bob Wilson, and John Thomas.

Lunch is provided for those who pre-register by Friday - February 8 (TODAY) Call 308.762.5616 to pre-register.